Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Come and Enter....Best Buy World!

Hello! As you may have guessed, this blog will be about Best Buy, the technology super store! Best Buy has millions of consumer products that make our lives easier. It's hard to imagine a time when there wasn't television or computers, right? Or CDS and Ipods? Remember when digital cameras weren't used and you couldn't immediately see the picture that you just took? I don't think anyone can imagine the days without a cell phone anymore. All of these technological advances are some of the many things that Best Buy has to offer, since 1966!

I want to talk about Best Buy, because it sells products that we use everyday. It's a company that everyone knows about and that most people have probably visited before. Best Buy tries to bring technology to everyone in a cheap, easy way. You can order products online or in the store, so its easy! With operations in the United States, Canada, Europe, China, Mexico and Turkey, Best Buy is a multinational retailer of technology and entertainment products and services.

Best Buy issues press releases at least once a week, educating consumers about their revenue, donations and programs that Best Buy is running. Best Buy offers many services to help out their stakeholders, they offer computer setup, home theater setup, car installation, gaming setup and ipod services. But those are not what Best Buy is famous for!

Have you ever seen that little white and black car that says "Geek Squad" on the side?

Thats Best Buy! The Geek Squad are available in Best Buy stores and make home visits as well to assist you with any computer needs you may have. It's quick and easy!

Each year, Best Buy donates up to 1.5% of pretax earnings through the Best Buy Children's Foundation and Corporate giving programs to give back to the community. Best Buy is currently giving college bound students a scholarship opportunity. In 2009, Best Buy raised a combined $33.4 millionto improve communities where its employees and customers live and work. Best Buy just announced a few weeks ago that they donated $200,000 to Haiti relief efforts. Best Buy focuses on giving back to the community that has been so generous to them. They also suppport national organizations, like United Way and The Red Cross.

Best Buy issues press releases to inform their stakeholders about the positive things they are doing to help the community around them. Their support of national organizations communicates a positive reputation and helps their business succeed. With an organization like Best Buy, one who may have trouble with consumers from time to time because everything they deal with is electronic, their philanthropic efforts help minimize any negative backlash. Technology can be tricky, but Best Buy is on top of it!

Best Buy has its work cut out for them! They try to keep prices low, for things like music, to prohibt pirating and illegal music downloads. They also have the difficult task of keeping up with a field that is constantly changing. Technology is always changing and people are coming out with new ways of doing everything. Think about how much technology has changed within the past twenty years. Good thing Best Buy is keeping up!

As you can see, Best Buy is very busy!

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